Coaching solutions that matter.

All of the coaches affiliated with the Competence Development Network bring a wealth of experience and insight in addition to recognised certification in the field of coaching. Our approach to coaching is individual, solution-driven and results-oriented. Our coaching can help you with:

Strategy development
Our coaches can help develop individual strategies for personal development.

Solving management challenges
From conflict resolution to change management, our coaches can guide a process of self-realisation that inspires results.

Prevent burnout
We can help create the insight needed to avoid burnout and ensure a good work/life balance.

Team building
Our team coaching methods bring teams closer together, build trust and inspire the motivation needed to improve.

Conflict resolution
Our coaches have experience entering situations, understanding them and helping the participants find a mutually beneficial resolution.

Change management
From a new career to an organisational restructuring, our coaches can help individuals make the most of change processes.

Our coaches can help people create the motivation and inspiration needed for self-management.

We believe in building mutual trust between the individual and our coach, therefore we ask to maintain the confidentiality of each coaching session.

Please contact us to learn more about how our coaching could contribute to solving the challenges facing you and your organisation. We can also train your internal coaches or establish a coach pool. One of our projects includes the implementation of an ad-hoc coaching hotline for the change support of leaders in a large insurance company.